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Annual Report

2013 Report to the Community


Rochester cited for lowest Medicare spending: Cuomo wants to take city's cost-concious model statewide
Associated Press / Albany Times Union

Rochester's success at holding down costs provides a model that Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration wants to take statewide.

Teamwork Has Paid Off for Area Patients, Health Care Providers
By David Klein, CEO of Excellus BlueCross BlueShield

Thanks to Rochester's collaborative health care spirit, local hospitals aren't impacted by the "rightsizing" recommendations of the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century.

Picture This
By Philip Betbeze, Healthleaders.com

Rochester is often cited as a model for efficient use of diagnostic imaging largely because of CTAAB, a program that is responsible for assessing community need and capacity.

Let's Talk Ways to Curb Costs. [pdf - 80 KB]
By Sandra Parker, President & Chief Operating Officer, Rochester Business Alliance

The rising cost of health care continues to shock employers and their employees nationwide. Recent announcements by Rochester insurers sent a jolt of surprise throughout our community.

Making Sure Medical System is Proper Fit for Local Community. [pdf - 94 KB]
By Leonard Redon, Chairman, CTAAB

Community planning has long been a fundamental part of Rochester's health care system, writes Leonard Redon, Chairman, CTAAB. This article discusses how CTAAB plays an important and active role in that planning process.








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